What Goes Where? (online) 2 of 3

What Goes Where? (online) 2 of 3

The second (of 3) community mapping sessions for the whole of the Cove and Kilcreggan Community Area.

This session is online and prepares us for the final event which will bring the community together at the Cove Burgh Hall.


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What Goes Where? (in-person workshop) 3 of 3

What Goes Where? (in-person workshop) 3 of 3

Date: 26th October 2024 (Saturday)

Time: 9.30am - 13.30pm

Venue: Cove Burgh Hall

Details: Join us for an interactive hands-on event to decide ‘What Goes Where’ by a process of negotiated mapping.

The more people that get involved, the more representative it is of our fantastic community.

Come and join us to help create a more attractive and sustainable place to live and work.

Assistance and support will be given on the day to help make sure everyone attending has the chance to input into the digital parts of the process.

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What Goes Where: IT SUPPORT

WHAT GOES WHERE? This is the Our Community online community mapping process which allows you, anonymously, to input your ideas for spaces and buildings (existing or future) for the Cove and Kilcreggan area. It’s fun and not too difficult - but only if you know how! If you are a wee bit technically challenged and would like to see how to input your own thoughts, help is on hand. We have a willing young volunteer who will be in Kilcreggan Post Office on Saturday, October 19th at 10.30am, accompanied by our Development Officer, Christine Menhennet, ready to show you how it’s done! So please don’t hesitate to pop along (we believe there is also a cake stall at the PO tomorrow!) and our young helper will assist you to access the mapping.

A further opportunity to contribute to this exciting and innovative process, is on October 26th 9.30am - 1.30pm (with more cake!) -please see the Event below for more details.


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Peaton Community Nature Reserve Working Group: Volunteers Wanted

Peaton Community Nature Reserve Working Group: Volunteers Wanted

Cove & Kilcreggan Community Council is looking for volunteers to support the Peaton Community Nature Reserve Team.

Date: 6th October 2024

Time: 10 am - 2pm (Or whatever time you can manage)

Activities planned to include tasks for all skill levels including:

  • Light scrub clearance

  • Painting signage

  • Painting a chalkboard and fixing inside the Nature Shack

  • Boardwalk Repairs

  • Clearing Drainage channels

If you are able to join, please bring (if you have them):

  • Light garden tools/ loppers/ spades and gloves etc that would be helpful

Please dress warmly with waterproofs, bring a packed lunch and midge repellant!

A full brief will be given on the day!

Please help keep this accessible community nature reserve usable by ALL and provide benefits to our local wildlife.

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Kilcreggan Village Centre  Meeting 4 (Presentation)

Kilcreggan Village Centre Meeting 4 (Presentation)

Kilcreggan Village Center was identified in the early survey results as a priority area. This is the fourth consultation in the Kilcreggan Village Series.

Date: Saturday, October 5th 2024

Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm

Venue: Kilcreggan Scout Hall

In recent weeks, many people and interest groups have contributed their ideas and aspirations for Kilcreggan Village Center and Bay area; a lot of volunteer work has gone into this phase. Consultants Scott+Simmons have gathered all these ideas and at the fourth meeting they will be presenting some spatial layout options, for comment and negotiation by all those present. We hope you can be part of this critical phase of the planning. All feedback will be taken into consideration for the preparation of final layout option/s.

October also sees a return to consideration and negotiation around the options for the wider Cove and Kilcreggan area; please refer to our News page and the Final Phase of Negotiations article.

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What Goes Where?  (online) 1 of 3

What Goes Where? (online) 1 of 3

This community mapping and negotiation process looks at the whole of the Cove and Kilcreggan area. The process will include two online briefings and a third in-person workshop in the Burgh Hall, all facilitated by a company called Geodesignhub.

This first online briefing launches the online mapping survey and introduces future events in the process. The survey is anonymous and builds on all the ideas and principles laid out by the community over previous consultations. 

Please join us online for this 30 minute session. The event is open to all.



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Kilcreggan Village: Community Consultation Meeting 3

Kilcreggan Village: Community Consultation Meeting 3

Kilcreggan Village Centre was identified in the Survey results, and the original project profile, as a priority area. This is the third in the Kilcereggan Village and Bay series.

As the project moves towards tangible outcomes, this facilitated meeting is a fantastic opportunity to come and listen to community groups present their ambitious ideas for Kilcreggan Village Centre, and to hear exemplars from across Scotland.

Date: 16th September 2024 (Monday)

Time: 6.30 - 8.30pm

Venue: Cove Burgh Hall

In October the project draws ideas for the whole Cove and Kilcreggan area together through a process of putting wider ‘ideas to maps’. More information to follow in due course.

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Cove and Kilcreggan Beach Meet

Cove and Kilcreggan Beach Meet

As part of the Big Kilcreggan Weekend, the Clearwater community group (Our Community project) are organising a relaxed and enjoyable beach gathering with a bonfire for everyone!

Date: August 31st, 2024

Time: From 1pm onwards

Venue: Beach opposite Glen Eden (popularly known as ‘Roni’s beach’), a popular swim spot between Cove Sailing Club and Cove Burgh Hall

This gathering offers a wonderful opportunity to connect with fellow community members, enjoy some casual time by the beach, and meet people from various groups working on local projects. Bring your family, friends, chairs and refreshments. We will provide firewood and marshmallows for everyone to enjoy!

The event will also:

  • serve as a platform to discuss the broader campaign to potentially designate Roni’s beach as an official bathing water with SEPA

  • have a survey with questionnaires available to gather your input on how the beach is used

  • gather support for this initiative

Having a beach with a designation with SEPA would also mean regular water quality monitoring, stronger actions to improve water quality and address pollution.

Look forward to seeing you there and having a great time together!

For any questions or clarifications, please contact Britta at britta.letz@systemli.org

THIS EVENT IS PART OF THE BIG KILCREGGAN WEEKEND with the SUMMER CEILIDH (30th August, Friday night, CBH from 7pm) and 10K RUN (1st September, Sunday, 11am)

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Kilcreggan Village Centre: Community Consultation Meeting 2

Kilcreggan Village Centre: Community Consultation Meeting 2

Following on from the first Kilcreggan Village Centre community consultation meeting, this is the second meeting in the series of meetings for everyone in Kilcreggan & Cove.

Scott +Simmons, the consultants appointed to the Village Centre study, have been analysing all the feedback they received at the first meeting and considering the opportunities for improvement and potential solutions to the issues raised.

This meeting will have:

1. a presentation from Scott + Simmons on the themes coming up from the small group discussions in the first meeting

2. They will also facilitate a discussion around these ideas, and the perceived & real restrictions that have prevented things moving forward to date.

Date: August 12th

Time: 6 - 8 pm

Venue: Scout’s Hall, Kilcreggan Village

The meeting will be held in Scout’s House from 6 - 8 pm.

Make sure you are there to participate in the community consultation on the redesign of the Kilcreggan Village Centre & Bay.

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Beach Clean: Green Group

Beach Clean: Green Group

Sprucing up the Cove & Kilcreggan shoreline now that summer has arrived!

The Green Group are having a beach clean of the Cove and Kilcreggan Bay. They hope to continue the ‘deep clean’ of the bay that they tackled the last time.

On the day, you could also clean an alternative beach/ shoreline, if you prefer. The waste bags are to be dropped off at the junction of Shore Road and Fort Road. The Council will be collecting them later.

They are looking for as many hands as can help with the beach clean on the Cove & Kilcreggan shoreline.

Date: 10th August 2024

Time: 1- 3pm

Meeting Point: Kilcreggan Bus shelter, next to the Kilcreggan village car park

Where to clean: Cove & Kilcreggan shoreline, or any alternative beach you choose

Please bring your own gloves and, if you have them, litter pickers. Bin bags will be provided (courtesy of the Argyll & Bute Council).

For any additional information, please contact:

Wendy Watson: wendywatson555@yahoo.co.uk

James Greg: james.greg@mannatraining.co.uk

Note: Our Community Green Group works in conjunction with the C&K Community Council

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Kilcreggan Village Centre: Community Consultation Meeting

Kilcreggan Village Centre: Community Consultation Meeting

Community Consultation meetings regarding the Kilcreggan Village Centre and Kilcreggan Bay!

As part of the Our Community project, this is the beginning of an ongoing community discussion that will continue over the next few months. In order to create a vibrant and inclusive discussion, there will be a series of consultative meetings with EVERYONE, including residents, businesses and those using Kilcreggan village centre regularly.

There will be conversations & discussions for and with everyone who has an interest in how the village centre and bay should grow and develop.

The details of the first meeting is below:


DATE: Monday, 29th July 2024


VENUE: Creggans Pub, Kilcreggan Village Centre

This is an opportunity for all those owning or using the businesses, shops, ferry and all those living in the heart of Kilcreggan Village to make your views known about the issues affecting the centre of the village and any future development.

This first consultation meeting aims to discuss:

- ways to involve as many residents as possible and to create a better community focus in the heart of the village

- measures to support the economic sustainability of shops, facilities and the ferry

The programme will include:

1. Walk around the centre of the village starting at 6pm from the Creggans Pub

2. Discussion of the issues and opportunities for development from 7pm at the Creggans Pub.

The walk-around will give an opportunity to point to specific issues affecting residents who live in the centre of the village and identify opportunities for development that would address them and the local businesses.

Nothing is off the table at this point!

Your chance to have a say in the re-design of the Kilcreggan Village Centre and Kilcreggan Bay - DONT MISS IT!

We look forward to seeing you there!

We will keep you posted on the ongoing meetings regarding Kilcreggan village centre & bay over time through this events page and the news section of the website.

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Our Community Group Consultation

Our Community Group Consultation

We are having an EVENT FOR EVERYONE from Cove & Kilcreggan villages! 

In 2023, we had a community survey to find out what you, as the resident of Cove & Kilcreggan, identify as priorities for making our villages wonderful places to live in. We have been working on your suggestions. Come and find out what's been going on to address the key priorities identified in the 2023 community survey! 

Date: 22nd June 

Time: 14.00 - 16.00 (Drop In) 

Location: Cove Burgh Hall 

Learn more about some of the initiatives aimed at improving our villages! This is an opportunity to connect with all the teams who've been moving your ideas forward and to let you know what will be happening in the next phases of the Our Community project. 

Highlights of the Event: 

  • Presentation of community development projects 

  • One on one discussions on survey priorities and next steps 

  • Networking with other community members and see if you'd like to be involved 

Let's celebrate our achievements so far and continue to build a brighter future for our villages. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Calling all young people in Cove & Kilcreggan

Calling all young people in Cove & Kilcreggan


We're really excited that a community lottery has been launched to raise money for good causes in Cove and Kilcreggan....and Youth Cafe will be the first project to benefit! 

Rosneath Peninsula West Community Development Trust, who set up the lottery, are really keen to get feedback and ideas from young people on the peninsula, about what YOU want. 

So, we're inviting as many of our young people as possible to a wee get together:

Date: 18th June

Time: 6pm - 7.30pm

Location: Cove Burgh Hall

There will be pizza and food available, and we'd love for you to come along and complete a short, fun survey to give us your thoughts on what facilities you would most like to see in your community. The survey is provided by Our Community project. It's really important that you all get YOUR say. 

So please spread the word around all your friends.

Thanks for your help, support and feedback.

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Community Group Leaders’ Meeting

Community Group Leaders’ Meeting

A meeting of all the leaders of the community groups in Cove & Kilcreggan villages to review the group initiatives that will inform the content of the Local Place Plan / masterplan, that we will be producing at the end of the financial year.

The objectives of the meeting will be:

  • to familiarise the participants with a background on the Local Place Plan, its purpose, the relationship of it to the development of the Local Development Plan (LDP3) and the influence of the National Planning Framework 4.

  • To share with the other community groups the initiatives and work of each community group

  • A discussion of content and aspirations of each group, and resolve any conflicts or duplication

  • Review of the proposed project plan for teh Our Community project for the year ahead

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Cove and Kilcreggan Business Workshop 2

Cove and Kilcreggan Business Workshop 2

All businesses in Cove and Kilcreggan (shop front, office, remote based, third sector) are invited and encouraged to attend.  

Following our successful business workshop in January, we are running a second workshop to continue to build an action plan.  

At the second workshop, you will have the chance to contribute and discuss a wide range of issues, from parking and branding to customers and marketing.  

We are supporting local businesses to discuss challenges, work collaboratively to find solutions and create an action plan.  

Come along to:

- Hear inspiring case studies from similar communities  

- Collaborate with other businesses to ensure we have a thriving community

- Contribute to an action plan that delivers results

  • Knowledge share with a representative from Scotland’s Towns Partnership

If you were unable to attend the last meeting, we will have a quick recap at the beginning of the February workshop. Please come along!

SHARE:  Please spread the word amongst the local business community to help us make this event a success.

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Cove and Kilcreggan Business Workshop

Cove and Kilcreggan Business Workshop

All businesses in Cove and Kilcreggan (shop front, office, remote based, third sector) are invited and encouraged to attend.  

The aim of the workshops is to bring the business community together to discuss challenges, work collaboratively to find solutions and create an action plan. 

We are aware that many local businesses are facing challenges related to location, economic pressures, and other contributing factors.  At the workshops, you will have the chance to contribute and discuss a wide range of issues, from parking and location to customers and suppliers

The action plan will develop over the two sessions, we recommend your attendance on both dates:

1. Workshop 1: Mon 29 Jan, 4-6pm Cove Burgh Hall

2. Workshop 2: Wed 21 Feb, 4-6pm Cove Burgh Hall

SHARE:  Please spread the word amongst the local business community to help us make this event a success.

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Kilcreggan Primary School Workshop Showcase

Kilcreggan Primary School Workshop Showcase

Artist Ali Mills and Storyteller Gauri Raje worked with the students of Kilcreggan Primary School through art and stories to understand what the students loved about living in our communities of Cove & Kilcreggan.

The students will be exhibiting their work through models and drawings. They will also be answering any questions that visitors might have. Please do come and encourage the students.

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SKS Planning Workshop

SKS Planning Workshop

A meeting between the management group members and our consultant, SKS, to prepare for community group work. To prepare an interim visioning document to organise communication and sharing of community group activities, sharing of management group work and feedback from the community through surveys up to this point.

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Our Community Event for all Cove & Kilcreggan Residents

Our Community Event for all Cove & Kilcreggan Residents

We brought together key elements from the online-survey in a visual to start the conversation on the 9th September about your ideas and needs for our two villages. 

And this is just the beginning! This is about moving things forward towards our vision of a healthy, prosperous and resilient community. 

There is more to talk about! There will be a multitude of different groups like energy, foot paths, sports, sustainability, arts, businesses, heritage, marine protection, local food production, and more! And we hope these groups in time will be ongoing and will bring to life tangible changes for our place.

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