Our Presentations & other documents

  • Local Place Plan Slides May 2024

    Presentation explaining the importance of Local Place Plans for Cove & Kilcreggan by Charlotte McLean at the Community Group Leaders Meeting, May 2024.

  • Organogram – how will the Place Plan be delivered?

    An organogram for Our Community has been created, illustrating the relationships between the various contributors and how their work will feed into and progress the Masterplan & Local Place Plan. This is not set in stone, and may change as the project moves forward.

  • LUC – Baseline Environmental Analysis

    Rosneath Peninsula West Community Development Trust commissioned LUC in spring 2023 to undertake a baseline environmental analysis of the Rosneath Peninsula – (MAPS DOCUMENT HERE).

  • LUC Presentation

    Learn more about Rosneath Peninsula’s Environment Baseline Report in this presentation, prepared by LUC.

  • Presentation: Past Work & Future Plans

    This presentation was shared with members of the Rosneath Peninsula West Community Development Trust and Cove & Kilcreggan Community Council (who are jointly managing the ‘Our Community’ project) on 11 May 2023. It gives a recap on the journey so far, explains what happens next, and looks at some inspirational case studies of other community groups and the types of projects they have implemented.

  • Our Community – SURVEY RESULTS March 2023

    Get access to the survey results click link below. Scroll down on our Team’s Page.

  • Our Community Method Statement / Work Plan (Dec 2023)

    What goes on behind the scenes to progress the ‘Our Community’ project and reach the objective of developing a Place Plan for Cove & Kilcgreggan? See the Method Statement / Work Plan, which is a summary of intended actions over the next month or so (please get in touch with any queries!). This will be updated at the start of each month.