Our Community Work Plans & Timelines

  • Our Community Timeline 2024/25 (Version 2)

    2nd version of the Community Timeline for 2024/25. To get access to the timeline, click the link below.

  • Our Community Timelines 2024/25 (Version 1)

    To get access to our timeline click the link below.

  • Organogram – how will the Place Plan be delivered?

    An organogram for Our Community has been created, illustrating the relationships between the various contributors and how their work will feed into and progress the Masterplan & Local Place Plan. This is not set in stone, and may change as the project moves forward.

  • Working Groups & Projects

    A Vision for ‘Our Place’ – WE NEED YOUR HELP! Using your feedback from the successful Cove & Kilcreggan ‘Our Community’ survey and workshop, a vision is beginning to develop for the special place we live and work in.

  • Presentation: Past Work & Future Plans

    This presentation was shared with members of the Rosneath Peninsula West Community Development Trust and Cove & Kilcreggan Community Council (who are jointly managing the ‘Our Community’ project) on 11 May 2023. It gives a recap on the journey so far, explains what happens next, and looks at some inspirational case studies of other community groups and the types of projects they have implemented.

  • Our Community – Inception Report 2022/23

    Phase 1 of the Our Community project was to create an Inception Report. This report will be used to influence and support future work within the project, and to be used to secure funding for initiatives identified in Phase 2 (the community survey and consultation).

  • Our Community Method Statement / Work Plan (Dec 2023)

    What goes on behind the scenes to progress the ‘Our Community’ project and reach the objective of developing a Place Plan for Cove & Kilcreggan? See the Method Statement / Work Plan, which is a summary of intended actions over the next month or so (please get in touch with any queries!). This will be updated at the start of each month.

  • Our Community Method Statement / Work Plan (September 2023)

    What goes on behind the scenes to progress the ‘Our Community’ project and reach the objective of developing a Place Plan for Cove & Kilcgreggan? Click here to see the Method Statement / Work Plan, which is a summary of intended actions over the next month or so (please get in touch with any queries!). This will be updated at the start of each month.

  • Project Plan February 23 – October 23

    Get access to the Project Plan click link below.

  • Strengthening Communities Programme award / project profile letter

    Some of you have been asking to see the funding award / project profile letter from CEIS.